For those of you that missed her comment, she related to me something that an art teacher once told her. It said that "it takes two people to produce truely great art: 1 to paint and 1 to stop the painter before the painting goes too far." Boy can that ever be true! On more than one occasion I have taken a painting past it's prime. It's a real bummer, but when you get down to the nitty gritty, it is just paint and cloth (or wood as it may be.) Learning from that mistake and applying the knowledge to not take it further in future paintings is what is important. If you don't try, you won't know. In reference to the View From the Cabin painting, Lori went on to say that she didn't think the it didn't need much more, but I felt that I had to tweak the trees, and foreground a bit. I'm calling it done now.
View From the Cabin. Acrylic & Mixed Media on Masonite

This looks really great!!! You know what, I got the title's mixed up, I was actually talking about the one above it (about the foreground shadowing). I think this is now my favorite. You really made it pop!
Thanks Kathy! The other one does need work still, eh?
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